Cuadro de texto: During the first semester of the first year of our Comenius project, students from Colegiul Energetic involved in the project, but not only them, were very active and participated in all kind of activities.

Cuadro de texto: Cuadro de texto: Cuadro de texto: date: 03-03-2014
From: Romanian Team:


Flash Energetic


Science Club...


Reportage n. 1


Reportage n. 2


The river Muson


A scchool day outdoors


Can we endure the challenges of nature?



Cuadro de texto:                                                         
                                                                                                 From: Spanish Team

Cuadro de texto: Five years ago, while our school was participating in a Comenius Project called "The International Math and Science Studios" a group of teachers had the idea of creating a Science Club with students interested in this area. Since them, students and teachers are working around Science and Maths. They normally have a meeting once a week and during the school year and the students participate in some school scientific events in our province and they try to research about different topics.

We were green and we had fun too!”


After a lesson about BIODIVERSITY, our Biology teacher, Mrs Carmen Vochițu, organized a contest of posters related to our lesson and the project.

                 Drăgoi Beatrice, , XI H

On the 29th of November, on the day called ”The Green Day”, a team of students coordinated by Mrs Mirela Uțã planted some plants and shrubs in the court yard of the high-school.

During Biology and Computer Science classes, my colleagues realized posters, articles, logos about biodiversity, environment, nature.


Our target is to measure the seasonal changes in the marshes around our town. There are a lot of them with a high level of salinity. It’s something very characteristic in our area.

We want to differentiate the changes by season in the different zones of a marsh:

Always flooded.

Always dry.

Half flooded half dry.

Also we are going to take into account the levels of salinity in the ground.

For this studio they will use the square meter method.









This method consists in throwing away sometimes a wooden square meter over a vegetated area each time in the same place.

Firstly we have been practicing in our high school's garden, with a wooden square meter and we have tried to indentify in the lighten zones (TEST Nº1) and not so lighten ones(TEST Nº 2).

These are the results of our first experience


 After that we have appreciated some mistakes and materials that they are also necessary to do the research in a correct way.

We think that at the end of this course we are going to do a report with the different changes in each season in different areas of a marsh. Also we are going to take into account the levels of salinity in the ground.


If we could catalogue the species and  their development during the time of this research it would be fantastic, but we aren’t sure about this.


‘...a group of teachers had the idea of creating a Science Club with students interested in this area…’

Cuadro de texto: date: 17-04-2014
From: Latvia Team:
Reportage n. 1
Cuadro de texto: When we arrived to school, the teacher was already waiting for us, we were split into 5 groups and had to carry out different tasks.
In the classroom we got the instructions about the procedure, after that we watched a movie about swamps and safety in them. We learned some new things, for instance, how to get peat samples. Then the bus had arrived and we took off.
When we got to the forest we had to walk about 1.5 km until we got to the swamp. We changed our shoes for rubber boots and went straight into the swamp. It was all wet and soft.                          

We measured how deep the swamp was until we could find peat;

 next, we had to find out how cold it was in the swamp - both the air and the soil, in some places the ground was still frozen. The major task was to find out how many trees were around 25 m zone. We discovered some small spruces and pine trees.

The task finished, we got back to school and made the presentations.

Overall, I think it was really fun, a lot more fun than just sitting in school all day.


    Valka Gymnasium,

Cuadro de texto: date: 17-04-2014
From: Latvia Team:
Reportage n. 2
Cuadro de texto: This day, April 17, was very beautiful. The sun was shining and students were happy. Our school is involved in the COMENIUS project ”Biodiversity”. 
All students from our school went to the swamp called ”Pukši”. There each class had to do several different tasks. Each class was divided into smaller groups. About 5 students in each group. 
Our group task was to measure difference between forest brightness and swamp brightness. Then we had to

provide all data from each group in our class and make a presentation. Now we know that next time when we go to swamp we should wear appropriate clothes. Despite the fact that it was difficult to walk, it was really funny and interesting to do the tasks. And we think we should visit the swamp next winter, because then we would see the beauty of swamp in winter and will get some new experience.

Gusts and Toms

 Valka Gymnasium, Latvia

….I think it was really fun, a lot more fun than just sitting in school all day.

...we think we should visit the swamp next winter, because then we would see the beauty of swamp in winter and will get some new experience.

Cuadro de texto: date: 17-04-2014
From: Italian Team:
Our school trip: the river Muson
Cuadro de texto: On  16th  April 2014, the class 2A of administration finance and marketing, went to river Muson to pick up different types of flowers and plants for the biodiversity project.
 We went there by walking (the place is very near our school) during the two first hours of lessons with two of our teachers: Mrs D’Isidoro, the PE teacher and Mrs Fantinato, the Enghish teacher.
The class was divided into four teams and each one had  the same job to perform. 
Cuadro de texto: These were all the duties of our teams:
take photos of plants and flowers,
fill in a file with some data ,
pick up the flowers and plants,
throw the square meter and pull the rope.

At the end, each group, after three observations, classified all the plants and some animals and
filled  them in a grid to systematize all the data about the experience.
			            II A, Italy

‘….went to river Muson to pick up different types of flowers and plants for the biodiversity project

Cuadro de texto: date: 16-04-2014
From: Italian Team:
Cuadro de texto: On 15 th April, our class went to a field trip  during the first hours of lesson, to do several scientific and statistic observations on the vegetation situated along the river "Muson dei Sassi" that flows near our school.
We took advantage of the P.E. hours and, thanks to the help of our two teachers, we reached  the area to do our work.

We were well-equipped! In fact we had the square meter, a rope, some newspapers to pick up the plants, some jars and boxes to contain the ground and some sheets to fill in  all the necessary 
information about our research. Some students brought also a camera to take some pictures of all the activities that we were doing.
Cuadro de texto:  We were divided into 5 groups, each of which had its own leader who was one of the guys that will be in May in Latvia for the meeting and,in turn, we started our observations. First of all, with the square meter, we highlighted the area where  we collected some species of plants and land, then,


Cuadro de texto: we analyzed the types of trees and shrubs in a new piece of land. .

Finally, for each analysis,
 we specified temperature, humidity and with the GPS in our phone 
we measured the coordinates of the place.
Certainly the most difficult job was to recognize and give the scientific name for all species which have collected but,with the help of our teachers who know very well this area too, we managed to complete the research-
It was a great experience especially because it involved each of us in a specific and concrete activity: research, data processing, written and photographic documentation. 
With a little help from all you can do great things!
        Tommaso Raimondi 3 A

...With a little help from all you can do great things!


...If we could catalogue the species and  their development during the time of this research it would be fantastic.....

Cuadro de texto: date: September 2014
From: Latvia Team:

Can we endure the challenges of nature?


Yes, the five students and two teachers from Valka Gymnasium can proudly voice their yes as they spent 7 days on Hiposari island in Ladoga lake in Karelia. 

             There they could enjoy the nature, test themselves living in tents without mobiles, TVs, computers, electricity, showers and other daily things.

             There were young people from Latvia, Estonia and Russia, they learned sailing from experienced instructors. The greatest challenge was to get back to the island in the thunderstorm, then they had to row, change sails, pour out water and follow the captain’s commands. They did it. They learned not to give in, to support each other, and came home being more mature.

Dārta Lozda, grade 11.b






Stenotaphrum secundatum



Malva silvestris



Poa pratensis



Lolium sp.



Senecio vulgaris



Cynodon dactylon



Trifolium so.


