"Alemdağ Forest"

Alemdağ forest is in Çekmeköy that is in the Anatolian part of İstanbul.It is between the districts Çatalmeşe and Ömerli.On the east side of Alemdağ there is a  dam  called Ömerli and in the west there is  Sultançiftliği Taşlıtepe Forest.

The tree species seen in this forest are types of chestnut  trees ,beech trees,oak trees ,populus tremula,types of maples,linden trees,acacia,hornbeam… etc.There is also a type of oak called magyar oak that is a special tree for   the Balkans .

Most of the forest (nearly %75) is covered with different types of oak trees

The other plants seen in this forest are  types of berries, flowers ,wheats,clovers,and many different types of plants that we do not know.Some of the villagers living near the forest cook delicious pasties with these plants.

 There is also a  small lake  in this forest where we had our field trip.This forest also supplies water resources  for most of the city.There are fountains in some parts where people can get clean water.

Since the climate is various,it leads the forest to have many kinds of  plants and animals. It is also the natural  home for many different immigrating birds, reptiles and mammals.

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