Sırapınar Forest is near Sırapınar village  which is one of the four villages of Çekmeköy in İstanbul in Anatolian part.


Its name comes from the five fountains which are located along the village road.The villagers say that the village  is more than 500 years old.


In that region,The organization of  Protecting Natural Environment  found  at least 37  uncommon plants.And from these plants  at least ten of them only grow naturally in Turkey.


The trees   and plants  in Sırapınar forest are:

Holly  Osmanthus,beech,silver birch,hornbeam,all kinds of oaks,chestnut trees ,Anatolian sarsaparilla,many kinds of ivies, Cornelian cherry, celery, carrot or parsley family, speedwell, monocot flowering plants, sunflower family , deadnettle family plants, euphorbias,…etc.


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